Literacy in Canada
The 2013 Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), an initiative of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD), provided international comparable measures of three skills that are essential to processing information: literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving in technology-rich environments.
According to the PIAAC, 48% of Canadians and 45% of Albertans (aged 16- 65) have literacy skills that fall below a high school level. Having strong literacy skills is the foundation to all learning and essential to be able to fully participate in society. Our programs, training, and resources are tools used to support improving literacy levels in the community.

Free Resources for Parents and Professionals
We offer a number of free resources for families to use to support their progress in the field of literacy.
Web Resources
Flit App for iOS
Early interaction with children, like sharing books, talking, singing, or playing, help lay the foundation for early language and literacy – key skills for success. The app provides parents with specifically tailored activities designed to build strong reading, writing and literacy skills in their child, and have fun doing it!
A YouTube Playlist with 5-minute videos that provide parents/caregivers with tips, activities and songs they can introduce into their daily routine.
Downloadable Resources
Centre for Family Literacy Best Practices
Family Literacy Brochures
Family Literacy Tip Sheets
- Numeracy (pdf)
- Technology Tips for the Early Years (pdf)
- Getting Started... Literacy and Language Links and Language Learning (pdf)
- Tips for Sharing Books and Signs of Reading and Writing Development in Young Children (pdf)
- Choosing Quality Children's Books and Types of Books for Young Children (pdf)
- Books for Infants and Toddlers (pdf)
- Books for Preschoolers (pdf)
- Wordless Picture Books and Environmental Books (pdf)
- Books that Show Diversity (pdf)
- ABC's for Parents (pdf)
- Families Just Want to Have FUN! Party Activities (pdf)
Other Useful Resources
Literacy Activities & Articles
Recent Activity Posts
Join Our Family Literacy Day 2023!
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Family Literacy Facilitator Certificate Training
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