
Certificate Training

Certificate Training provides participants with a basic understanding of the role of literacy in the life of children, adults, and the community. Participants will learn the theoretical perspectives of family literacy and how to put this into practice using family literacy program models.

What We Offer

Introduction to Family Literacy (Certificate Training Pre-requisite)

Part One – Family Literacy Fundamentals

Explore the fundamentals of Family Literacy and expand your understanding of the role literacy plays in the life of children, their parents/caregivers, and the community.

The workshop will explore:

  • A brief history of literacy
  • What is literacy?
  • Core concepts of family literacy
  • Best practices in family literacy
  • Explore the different types of family literacy programs

Part Two – Connecting How We Learn

Examine the connection between the family and emergent literacy, early literacy and adult literacy.

This workshop looks at the process of early literacy development in children starting at birth and connects to best practices in working with adults. We will explore why both are important in family literacy programs and how these connections, and therefore the learning, can be strengthened.

Rhymes that Bind

Rhymes that Bind training provides participants with the necessary information, resources and skills to facilitate their own Rhymes that Bind program in their community.

Rhymes that Bind promotes oral language development in babies and toddlers, as parents/caregivers learn how to support and enjoy learning through rhymes, finger plays, songs and simple movement games with their children in a safe, supportive peer group.

Books for Babies

Books for Babies training provides participants with the necessary information, resources and skills to facilitate their own Books for Babies program in their community.

Books for Babies is a facilitated program for parents/caregivers and their babies, up to 12 months old. The program introduces parents/caregivers to various ways they can support their child’s early literacy and language experiences, encourages daily book sharing and, in doing so, helps promote healthy family relationships.

Books Offer Our Kids Success

B.O.O.K.S training provides participants with the necessary information, resources and skills to build and facilitate their own B.O.O.K.S program in their community.

B.O.O.K.S is a facilitated program for parents/caregivers of preschoolers. This program models book sharing strategies, explores book themes and the connections to everyday life and extends on book content by incorporating a variety of different literacy activities into the sessions.

Some of these activities include: crafts, journaling, cooking and more! Parents/caregivers are given the opportunity to borrow books to share at home with their children along with ideas for extending and practicing the learning. The B.O.O.K.S program provides an informal setting where parents and caregivers develop their understanding of their role in their children’s literacy development.


Storysacks training provides the participant with the necessary information, resources and skills to facilitate their own Storysacks program in their community.

Storysacks is a program in which parents/caregivers, volunteers and community members work together to make Storysacks as a means of supporting the early literacy skills of preschool children in their community.

Participants learn how to create props and scenery related to a storybook, representations of its main characters, an audio recording and a game based on the book. Storysacks may be used in a variety of settings, including family literacy programs, the classroom, children’s organizations, daycares, libraries and in the home. The program encourages parents/caregivers who may be facing barriers, such as low income, literacy issues, and lack of resources, to spend time together in a safe and constructive environments.

Need more Information?

For more information about workshops and fees, please contact our Director of Programs and Training at: